Apple has announced the launch of its 2023 Rainbow Strap for Apple Watch, with a unique design that celebrates the LGBTQ+ community. The strap is based on the silicone sports strap design, and each strap has a different printing pattern, making each one unique. The strap is available for purchase on the official website for $49, and will be available at Apple Store locations starting May 24.
To match the new Rainbow Strap, Apple has also launched a new Rainbow watch face for Apple Watch. The watch face includes a range of colors, including black and brown to represent the African-American and Latino communities and those who have died or coexisted with HIV/AIDS. Light blue, pink, and white represent transgender and non-binary gender.
Apple has also announced that new Pride celebration watch faces and iPhone wallpapers will be available next week with watchOS 9.5 and iOS 16.5 updates. These new updates will allow Apple Watch users to express their support for the LGBTQ+ community and celebrate Pride month in colorful and creative ways.
The Rainbow series is a product that Apple has launched to support the LGBTQ+ group, which is updated every year. The new Rainbow Strap represents a new addition to this series, with a unique and colorful design that captures the spirit of Pride month. The strap is expected to be a popular choice among Apple Watch fans, and it is expected to sell out quickly.
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