Apple is ushering in a new era of immersive mixed reality with its Vision Pro headset. This cutting-edge device features a parallax effect that adds depth and motion to onscreen elements. According to Apple design evangelist Linda Dong, developers can harness this cool tech to create captivating app icons, from X/Tweet.
The process is straightforward. First, design a 1024×1024 pixel icon in your preferred graphics editor. Dong recommends checking Apple’s freshly updated VisionOS design resources for handy app icon templates and guidelines.
Next, split your icon into three separate layers. The parallax effect will shift these layers in relation to each other when the icon is in motion. So don’t bake any lighting or shadows into the layers themselves. The VisionOS handles all that automatically to match the movement.
To visualize the parallax effect on your icon, use Apple’s Parallax Previewer app. This lets you see how the icon will look with shadows and highlights applied during motion. Tweak and adjust the layers as needed until you achieve the desired 3D look.
Once finalized, bring your layers directly into Xcode to implement the icon in your Vision Pro app. For convenience, you can also export the layers in Apple’s new XLSR icon format. This bundles everything neatly for integration.
For easy access to these parallax icon design tips, Dong suggests bookmarking the Human Interface Guidelines section on the Apple developer site. Here you’ll find the latest recommendations for crafting amazing Vision Pro experiences.
With a simple three-layer approach and Apple’s intuitive tools, you can create vivid, dynamic icons. Immerse Vision Pro users in your app right from the start through innovative parallax icons. Take advantage of this cool new functionality only possible on Apple’s boundary-pushing mixed reality headset.