Meta has just unveiled its latest consumer-grade VR device, the Quest 3, which promises to take the world of virtual reality to new heights. Compared to its predecessor, the Quest 2, the new Quest 3 is lighter, more comfortable, and boasts twice the GPU performance thanks to its new Snapdragon chip. The Quest 3 also features new sensors, cameras, and redesigned controllers with TruTouch haptic feedback for enhanced user experience.
The Quest 3’s camera groups on the left and right sides feature a full-color camera, a depth sensor, and a standard camera, all of which work together to improve AR performance. The new Touch Plus controller even supports hand tracking right out of the box, thanks to its depth sensor. The basic version of the Quest 3 comes with 128GB of storage and is priced at $499.99.
While more information about the Quest 3 is set to be revealed on September 27th, it’s already clear that the device has been redesigned to be 40% lighter and will feature a higher-resolution screen and the next generation Snapdragon processor. The new Touch Plus controller and TruTouch haptic technology will undoubtedly provide an even better immersive experience for users.
The release of the Quest 3 coincides with Apple’s highly anticipated AR/VR headset, which is set to be announced at the WWDC developer conference next week. comes to actual experience, the biggest improvements of the Quest 3 are in the enhanced AR functionality and system response speed. However, Mark Gurman (@markgurman, Chief Correspondent for Bloomberg for Apple tech) also emphasized that he doesn’t believe the Quest 3’s camera perspective effect can compare to the Apple VR/AR headset, which has more than a dozen cameras.
The Quest 3 is part of Meta’s Reality Labs department, which is responsible for developing VR and AR technologies for the metaverse. Despite the department’s operating loss of $3.99 billion in the first quarter of this year, Meta continues to invest heavily in the metaverse, with the Quest 3 being a clear indication of the company’s commitment to immersive technology.