Renowned Chinese film director Lu Chuan was among the first creators invited by Apple to experience the highly anticipated Apple Vision Pro headset back in June. He later met with Apple CEO Tim Cook at the Apple Sanlitun store in Beijing to showcase an exciting film project harnessing Apple’s latest innovations.
Lu Chuan visited Apple Park earlier this year for an early demo of Apple Vision Pro and a meeting with Tim Cook, who he called “highly excited” about the headset’s potential to revolutionize digital content creation.
When Cook today visited Beijing, he and Lu Chuan met again at Apple Sanlitun. There, Lu Chuan shared a specially curated short film adapted for Apple’s new spatial computing platform. Though unable to showcase Vision Pro yet, Lu Chuan conveyed the immense creative possibilities being unlocked.
In a Weibo after the meeting, Tim Cook remarked: “Great seeing you at Apple Sanlitun Lu Chuan! We’re big fans of your work and can’t wait to see what you’ll create next.”
Lu Chuan also hosted a Today at Apple session sharing how new technologies are revolutionizing filmmaking. As an acclaimed innovative director, his insights into Apple’s advancements generated much excitement.
Apple has been providing early Vision Pro access to leading creators like Lu Chuan who are pioneering inventive workflows and content styles for the new medium. By recruiting artistic visionaries, Apple aims to demonstrate the headset’s potential both for consuming and producing immersive digital experiences.
Lu Chuan’s work appears poised to push AR/VR technology forward in the same way early films explored nascent movie camera capabilities. When Apple Vision Pro does launch, his efforts will likely be prime showcases of the hardware brought fully to life.
For Apple, bringing aboard acclaimed directors like Lu Chuan lends artistic expertise and vision to demonstrating the emerging creative opportunities in spatial computing and immersive digital experiences.
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