According to recent leaks from South Korean media, Samsung’s processor plans for the upcoming Galaxy S24 series have surfaced. The Galaxy S24 Ultra will reportedly feature the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip globally. However, the Galaxy S24 and S24+ look to adopt Exynos processors in certain markets.
Samsung Unveils Exynos 2400 Processor with Major Upgrades
The Galaxy S24 Ultra is positioned as Samsung’s photography and performance flagship, using the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 universally provides the fastest speeds and most advanced image processing, critical for the Ultra model. The Exynos chips have historically lagged Snapdragon equivalents in aspects like GPU and AI performance, leaked benchmarks show Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 with 50% GPU performance jump.
However, to save costs and differentiate its regular S24 and S24+ models, Samsung plans to utilize its in-house Exynos processors in regions like South Korea and Europe. The Exynos 2400 is expected to power the S24/S24+ in these markets, while China may stick with Snapdragon for the full lineup.
Samsung took a more expensive approach this year, launching the entire Galaxy S23 lineup with Snapdragon globally. But the 30% increase in processor procurement costs was unsustainable long-term. The reported S24 strategy allows Samsung to reserve premium Snapdragon for its flagship Ultra, while using Exynos to save over $2 billion in manufacturing budget.
With computing and photography demands lighter on the S24 and S24+, the Exynos chip can still deliver solid performance. Samsung has continued improving its custom CPU core designs to reduce the gap versus Qualcomm. But for now, Snapdragon remains king in the smartphone processor space when no expense is spared.